Let’s close the Gender Gap.
We want to add your story to shine a light on the weight of gender inequity in the workplace.
3 ways to share.
Share at the next in-person recording session in Boise, Idaho.
Submit your written story.
Submit a video story.
Everyone has a story.
Submit your video story
Share your story in 2 minutes or less.
To remain anonymous, use “anon” for your name, and “anon@gendergapconfessional.com” for the email.
Share in-person
We have comfortable, safe in-person sessions in downtown Boise, Idaho. Parking is free and you have the option to remain anonymous. Drop us a note below and we’ll find a time that works for you.
Share a time you or someone you worked with was treated differently because of their gender identity.
Share a time your voice was ignored or went unheard.
Share a time you were paid less based on your gender identity.
Tell us about a time you were overlooked for a promotion or raise because of your gender identity.
Keep names of people and/or companies/businesses anonymous.
We want to hear your raw, honest story. We also understand this can bring up feelings related to that incident. If you haven’t had a chance to process the situation, consider connecting with a counselor or specialist.